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Dark Age Defense Reviews - Scam Program or Legit Guide to Buy?

Dark Age Defense is a handbook or a program that teaches people the method to build infinite coils by themselves at home. This program is very useful in times of emergency, like power outages.


Dark Age Defense is a program that teaches people how to build their own infinite coils that could help them during emergencies.  

In this article, we will be discussing the Dark Age Defense Program in detail. We will discuss the following points in this article -

  • About the program 

  • Teachings of the program 

  • Functioning of the program 

  • What does the program include 

  • Benefits of the program 

  • The program cost and bonuses 

  • The cost of the program 

  • Our Opinion  

Let us begin this Dark Age Defense review by looking at the program overview table mentioned below. 

Program Table 

Program Name

Dark Age Defense 

Program Description

It is a brief tutorial program that teaches people ways to build infinite coils. These infinite coils could be used as power backups during emergencies. 

Program Teachings 

Building infinite coils on their own for indefinite power. 

Developing force fields around the homes for safety. 

Program Functioning

It teaches the things which should be done in case of a power outage, along with the process of building an infinite coil and force fields. 

Things Included In The Program 

How to build infinite coil 

Information on other important things to do in case of power outage 

Benefits Of The Program 

Helps teach power generation at home. 

Helps build force fields. 

Helps to keep your home safe. 

Teaches coil making using Pencil Squared Method.

Cost Of The Program

The Dark Age Defense handbook is available for $67. 

Additional Bonuses 

On-Demand Water 

Produce Oasis 

Off-Grid Escape 

Bulletproof Bug Out 

Program Refund Policy

100% money-back guarantee within 60-day of handbook purchase. 

Where to Buy 

Official Website Of Dark Age Defense  


What Is the Dark Age Defense Program? 

Dark Age Defense is a handbook or a program that teaches people the method to build infinite coils by themselves at home. This program is very useful in times of emergency, like power outages. The technology used to build these infinite coils is Infinite Coil Technology which is very powerful and useful. This technology has been in use for a long time now.  

The handbook contains a brief guide to building infinite coils that could power your home's appliances and keep your home safe. The power provided by these infinite coils is indefinite. People learn about developing power or energy with the help of this handbook.  

The power produced by these infinite coils is much more than the power generated by solar panels or generators. These infinite coils power homes by collecting energy from the sun. We all know that generators use a lot of fuel to generate power for a shorter duration and solar panels become non-functional when there is any disaster or natural calamity, or man-made hazard. 

The Dark Age Defense Program handbook is very useful for generating power for your home. 

What Does The Dark Age Defense Program Teach? 

The Dark Age Defense Program is a survival handbook that teaches the following things to its users: 

  • The program teaches people the process of developing infinite coils for generating an indefinite amount of power in their homes. 

  • It teaches the things which have to be done in case of a power outage, like contacting an emergency service within 30 seconds. 

  • The handbook contains the method of creating a force field around homes to keep them safe.  

  • It teaches the most effective method of generating power for different purposes, using legal technology here. 

  • The program even teaches ways to start a dead vehicle and the pencil trick. 

What Is A Survival Guidebook? 

A survival guidebook is a book that teaches you how to survive in the wilderness. It can be used as a reference for when you are lost, or it can be used as an instructional manual on how to build shelter and make fire.  

The first thing you need to know before buying a survival guidebook is what type of information you want to learn from it. There are books out there that teach you everything from how to start a fire to how to build a raft. Some books will tell you how to find water, while others will show you how to catch fish.  

You should choose a survival guidebook based on your needs. If you spend most of your time building shelters and making fires, you might want to buy a book that focuses on those topics. If you plan on hunting animals, then you may want to purchase a book that shows you how to do so. 

The next step is finding a good survival guidebook that has all the information you need, such as Dark Age Defense. 

Once you have found a good survival guidebook, you will need to read through it thoroughly. Make sure you understand each section completely before moving on to the next one. This is important because if you don't understand something, you won't be able to use it later. 

Once you have finished reading the entire book, you will want to practice some of the techniques taught within. This will help you remember them better and allow you to test yourself.  

For example, if you were planning on using a bow and arrow to hunt game, you would want to try shooting an arrow into a tree trunk. If you hit the target, then you would know that you had learned how to aim properly with a bow and arrow. 

Survival guide books aren't just useful for learning how to survive in the woods. They can also be very helpful when you are at home and it all goes dark - exactly what Dark Age Defense is all about.  

Functioning Of The Dark Age Defense Program 

The Dark Age Defense Program is focused on teaching people the method of generating or developing infinite coils for power. But, this program not only teaches this. It also provides information on different things to do in case of a power outage, like contacting an emergency number, etc.  

The program handbook also contains the method of generating force fields around your house. These force fields can be created using a very simple technology as per the handbook. These force fields are beneficial and necessary to protect your house and family from an emergency situation.  

The Dark Age Program handbook educates the users on the techniques that can help them power a dead vehicle in just a few simple steps.   

What Is Included In The Dark Age Defense Program? 

The Dark Age Defense Handbook contains a step-by-step guide to developing infinite coils for power generation. There are also other things that are taught or included in this program handbook, which are as follows: 

  • The information that you can generate force fields around your house using simple technology.  

  • The fact that you should always call an emergency service or 911 within 30 seconds of a power outage. 

  • The guide on selecting the appropriate or best size of the infinity coil. This size would depend on the size of the house and the knowledge of the amount of power or energy required for the house.  

  • The use of simple technology or infinite coil technology increases power generation by 261% as the efficiency of the infinite coils increases.  

  • This generated power is so much that it can even jump-start a dead vehicle.  

  • The program also writes about the cheat code for developing, designing, and extracting power or energy from the infinity coils.  

What Are The Benefits Of The Dark Age Defense Program? 

The benefits of the Dark Age Defense Program handbook are as follows: 

  • Helps in generating power for the house. 

  • Helps in creating force fields around the house. 

  • Helps in keeping the house safe and protects it from any further power outages or any other issues.  

  • Helps in providing other tips or things to be done in case of a power outage, like contacting an emergency service, staying calm, lighting a candle, etc. 

  • Helps in educating people to make seven endless coils in a short period of time. This process of developing seven endless coils is done using the Pencil Squared method. 

  • Helps in the functioning of home appliances by generating power.  

How Does Coal Help During Power Outage and Darkness? 

Coal is a fossilized form of plant matter. When coal was formed millions of years ago, plants died and decayed over thousands of years. As they decayed, their remains turned into coal. The process of turning woody material into coal is called pyrolysis. 

When coal is burned, it produces heat which is used by people to cook food, keep warm, and provide light. In addition, coal burns slowly and evenly, producing almost no smoke. That's why coal is often referred to as clean burning fuel. 

During darkness, many people rely on candles, kerosene lamps, and lanterns to see. These items produce lots of smoke and smell bad. Burning coal provides a cleaner alternative to these other types of lighting sources. 

Using coal for power allows people to live without electricity. Electricity is expensive and hard to come by during times of darkness. Even though coal is dirty and smelly, it is much cheaper than electricity. 

In addition, coal is more efficient than gasoline and diesel fuels. Gasoline and diesel require constant refilling and maintenance. Coal doesn't require any of this. 

Cost Of The Dark Age Defense Program 

The Dark Age Defense Program Handbook is available for purchase on its official website. The handbook is not allowed to be sold by the makers on any other platform except the official Dark Age Defense website.  

The program is available for purchase at the discounted rate of $67. This amount includes all the necessary information and details along with the below-mentioned additional bonuses. 

Additional Bonuses Provided Along with The Program 

The Dark Age Defense Program provides the following bonuses additionally: 

On-Demand Water 

This provides ways to ensure adequate water supply with the families during a power outage situation. It contains all the information ranging from producing water to purifying water to storing water for drinking purposes. 

It lists the common mistakes done by people while looking for water in times of a power outage, the 16-second test to identify the water quality, the way to enhance the quality and nutritional content of the water, and the method to make a water force filter using toilet paper roll.  

Produce Oasis 

This provides ways to grow your own food during emergency situations. It teaches the Sock Fertilizer Approach to increase the production of food.  

You also get to learn the way to make the 3 Vampire Super Nutrients that help you build a slim and fit body. Produce Oasis is also educated about the foods that grow like weeds and are climate-friendly, thus needing no refrigeration.  

Off-Grid Escape 

This includes the cumulation of seven places that are the safest to live along with your family in case of an emergency situation. These seven places are such that you don’t even need to use any force to reach and dwell safely.  

Bulletproof Bug Out 

This includes a detailed guideline of the steps to be taken to stay safe at a place during an emergency situation like a natural or man-made disaster.  

You will get to know about the method of preparing a survival kit that helps you in surviving a disaster, and you will also know about the Geronimo Geo Tracking technique to know the location of a victim and the terrain.  

Is There A Refund Policy On The Purchase Of the Dark Age Defense Program? 

The author of the Dark Age Defense Program Handbook offers a 100% money-back guarantee or refund policy.  

The refund policy states that if you feel that you have not learned anything from the handbook and it seems not helpful to you, then you can ask for a complete refund within 60-day of purchase of the program.  

You will not be asked any questions, thus making the process of refund completely hassle-free.  

Final Verdict 

To conclude this article on Dark Age Defense Program,  it can be said that it is a one-of-a-kind survival handbook or guide that helps people teach ways to generate power and survive using different ways during an emergency situation. 

This survival handbook provides a complete guide on how you can protect your family in a safe place from any kind of disaster. It also prepares individuals with all the techniques and makes them prepared in case of a future natural calamity or disaster.  

The best part is that the Dark Age Defense Program Handbook also comes with a 100% money-back guarantee within 60-days of purchase. This makes the program risk-free to purchase! 

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